Canada Embassy Attestation in Delhi

Canada Embassy Attestation in Delhi

We provide our best services for Canada Embassy attestation in Delhi, India. We provide Educational/Non Educational/Commercial all kind of Embassy Attestation in Delhi. The process of legalizing the documents for foreign affairs is Embassy Attestation. After the legalization of the certificate it will be easy to apply for higher studies, Employments, Travel, work or other purposes in Canada. In Canada there are lots of opportunities for higher studies or employments that are the reason why most of the people apply in Canada according to their purpose. Our quality services for Canada Embassy Attestation in Delhi are the proof of our Experience in the field of Embassy Attestation in Delhi NCR. Before applying for the Embassy attestation of Canada in Delhi, the authentication of the document is necessary by the Ministry of External Affairs, Delhi after the authentication of the certificate you can legally apply according to your purposes like Educational/Non educational/Commercial. The attested certificate is the legal proof of your original identification in Canada. The Government of Canada declare your attested certificate Original after the Authentication by the Embassy of Canada, Delhi as well as by The Embassy of Canada. We provide our services across the Delhi NCR as Canada Embassy attestation in Faridabad & Canada Embassy Attestation in Gurgaon.

Procedure of Canada Embassy Attestation in Delhi

Before applying any kind of attestation services it is necessary to clarify the importance & the benefits of your Canada Embassy Attestation certificate as well as also about the legalize procedure of attestation.

Type of Document

First we should know about the type of documents for Canada Embassy Attestation.

  • 1. Educational
  • 2. Non Educational
  • 3. Commercial


It is necessary to understand that how we do Attestation legalize your Canada Embassy Attestation documents for Educational/Non Educational/Commercial. Have a look upon the legal procedure below:


Canada Embassy Attestation should be authenticated by two state departments like the Home Department or Human Resource Department (HRD) by the respective State Government. After the State level authentication, the documents will be able to pursue legally for the Authentication of the last certification department of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Delhi. The Stamp of MEA constitutes the proof of originality of your Document so that your attested certificate declares to specific legal to the Government of Canada. After authentication processes your authorized certificates will be carried by the embassy of Canada, Delhi, India, and it declares that the documents are constitutional to accept by the Government of Canada.


  • 1. You can get the Educational Visa Easily
  • 2. You can get the all the educational best facilities like the citizens of Canada.
  • 3. You can get more opportunities to showcase your skills
  • 4. You can get the equivalent certificates

Non Educational or Personal

The purpose of Non-educational or Personal documents to get the marriage certificates, family Visa, Power of attorney, Death Facilities or other benefits in Foreign Countries. The authentication is needed by State-level Government like Home Department as well as from HRD also after the state level authentication the stamp from the Ministry of External Affairs, Delhi obtain the proof of the legalization of your official certificates so that you can sufficiently prove it legal to the Embassy of Canada, Delhi, India.


The commercial certificate is the most needed attested certificates for Business or industrial use in Canada. The Government of Canada will allow for your successful start-ups there legally. It is the process of legalizing the certificates by the Chamber of Commerce and the legal stamp by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Delhi. After the certification process, the documents will be finally declared originally by The Embassy of Canada in Delhi, India, for commercial use in Canada.
Feel free to enquire from another glimpse of our branches as Canada Embassy attestation in Noida as well as in Canada Embassy attestation in Ghaziabad.

You can call us anytime. We are 24X7 Call Support at +91 9871858481 available to assist you.


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